Nonprofit Blog Articles

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[NPFX Ep. 17] Ask the Experts: Listener Questions about Copywriting for Nonprofit Fundraising

Welcome to The Nonprofit Fundraising Exchange, a podcast from IPM Advancement. Our mission is to help you raise more money so you can make the...

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Steps to Cultivating a Highly Successful Major Donor Strategy

Engaging major donors – those supporters who provide significantly sized monetary contributions – is increasingly important to many of...

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Fundraising Events: Are they Worth It From an ROI Perspective?

It’s no secret that fundraising events can generate significant revenue for today’s nonprofits. Yet, they typically require...

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Prospecting on a Budget? Use Nonprofit Advocacy to Build Your List

To build strong, mutually beneficial relationships with supporters, make sure you deploy a diverse mix of engagement opportunities and...

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Nonprofit Fundraising Messaging in the COVID-19 Era — 8 Essential Elements

As the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic unfolds with no end in sight, many nonprofits are being squeezed between increased demand for services and a...

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[NPFX Ep. 16] Nonprofit Collaboration: The Power of Partnership (with Dr. Anne Newland and Sam Dean)

Welcome to The Nonprofit Fundraising Exchange, a podcast from IPM Advancement. Our mission is to help you raise more money so you can make the...

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The Reality of Digital Fundraising

Since the advent of online giving, many people have touted grand promises from the “digital fundraising revolution.” Some have even...

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What Should I Write About in My Next Fundraising Appeal?

Let’s say you and your team have created a strong annual fund strategy for the year. Part of that plan involves sending regular appeals...

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Nonprofit Staff Retention, Part 2: How to Attract and Keep the Best Employees

In Part 1 of this article, we investigated the question of whether or not higher salaries are the answer to the problem of nonprofit staff...

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Nonprofit Staff Retention, Part 1: Are Higher Salaries Really the Answer?

In surveys of nonprofits, staff retention is often reported as one of the top challenges. Some researchers estimate that the average fundraiser...

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The Secret to Nonprofit Advocacy Success: Keeping Grassroots Supporters Engaged

A key takeaway from our recent podcast on nonprofit advocacy is: If your nonprofit wants to create lasting, systemic change, you...

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Make the Donor the Hero of Your Fundraising Story

In nonprofit fundraising, there’s an important adage: Donors give to success. That’s why one of the most important goals of a...

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